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Why did INBOUND.software charge my credit card?

INBOUND.software is an all-in-one CRM platform streamlining lead capture, engagement nurturing, transaction facilitation, marketing amplification, sales management, comprehensive analytics, timely follow-ups, and dedicated customer support to optimize business interactions and operations.

INBOUND.software charges a monthly subscription fee. If you received a charge on your credit card from INBOUND, either you or someone on your team has signed up for one of our INBOUND plans.

If you're not sure who signed up for a INBOUND account, check in with your team. Typically, a INBOUND account is created by someone on your support, marketing, or sales team, but it may also be created by a team member/vendor trying to organize your leads and market new customers.

If you can't identify the user that signed up for INBOUND, email [email protected] to look up the email address associated with the INBOUND account.


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